Areas of operation

Our Tandem Coaches are set to engage with children across 10 distinct neighborhoods in Wrocław.

To explore these areas and learn more about our initiatives in each, please interact with the map below. By selecting a specific neighborhood, you’ll discover detailed information about our activities and how we’re making a difference in that community.

ul. Ludwika Solskiego 13                                    

Piotr Zalewski

Kateryna Surova-Kuzina

LIPA PIOTROWSKA - ZSP 26                    
ul. Cynamonowa 40           

Yelyzaveta Severynovska

Daniel Kasyan

ul. Kamieńskiego 24

Mariia Severynovska

Marcin Miśta

Boisko przy Wojanowskiej                           

Urszula Piotrowicz

Uliana Zalutska


Nikola Krzewicka

Snizhana Smerechanska

SP 38, ul. Horbaczewskiego 61                   
SP 118, Bulwar Ikara                            

Denis Atanasow

Wojciech Misiewicz

GAJ - ZSP 21, SP 32                                
ul. Kłodzka 40                                     

Aleksandra Pilipowska

Vadym Nadtoka

NADODRZE - SP 93                               
ul. Niemcewicza 29-31                        

Andriij Mychalevych

Oktawiusz Raczkowski

OŁBIN - SP 107                                              
ul. Prusa 64                                

Inna Kunitska

Grzegorz Kapica

NOWY DWÓR - SP 113                              
ul. Zemska 16C                  

Rafał Świerczek

Mykola Nechypurenko

These areas have been strategically selected based on several key criteria:

  • Proximity to Schools with High Numbers of Ukrainian-speaking Students: Recognizing the significant Ukrainian community in Wrocław, we’ve identified schools with substantial Ukrainian student populations to ensure our programs effectively serve those who will benefit most.

  • Accessibility to ESK Parks (Emotions-Sports-Culture Parks): By situating our activities near ESK Parks, vibrant community hubs offering free cultural and sports events on weekends, we provide safe and engaging environments that foster community involvement and cultural exchange.

  • Proximity to Local Activity Centers: These centers serve as focal points for community engagement, offering resources and spaces for various activities. Positioning our programs near these centers ensures participants have access to additional support and opportunities.

  • Existing Network of Community Coaches: We’ve chosen neighborhoods where active community coaches are already making a positive impact. Collaborating with these established mentors allows for seamless integration of our programs and ensures sustainability.

Dicover locations

tutaj będzie 10 kafli reperezntujących poszczególne lokalizacje/tandemy. Po kliknieciu w kafla, przechodzić będzie się do dedykowanej podstrony ze wszystkimi informacjami, kalendarzem wydarzeń itd…

Meet the coaches

tutaj będzie 10 fafli prowadzacych do sylwetek coachów